Christian Aid

The Churches Together in March Christian Aid Committee organises fund-raising activities including a monthly bread and cheese lunch on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 12.00 – 1.00pm at St Peter’s Church Hall, High Street.  Collections are also organised during Christian Aid week in May of each year.

For further details contact


For donations to the work of Christian Aid, and for details of events, please contact Rev Jenny Webb

Alternatively you can donate online using this link.  It will take you to our donation page on the website of the “Charities Aid Foundation”

Christian Aid Lunch dates in 2024

Bread and Cheese lunches to raise money for Christian Aid

Where: St Peter’s Church Hall, High Street, March, PE15 9JR

Time:  Between 12:00 noon and 1pm

Dates are as follows:

  • August 14th
  • September 11th
  • October 9th
  • November 13th
  • December 11th

A PDF with all the dates and details can be downloaded here – Christian Aid lunches 2024

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